One of the major accomplishments of the 20th century was the classification
of the finite simple groups. A group is said to be simple if
its only normal subgroups are the whole group and the group generated by
the identity. This classification is extrodinarily deep and has a number
of technical aspects. The proof of the Feit - Thompson theorem was around
1200 pages, in its original form, by itself. There have been a number of
techniques brought to bear on this problem, from algebraic geometry,
quivers, and those behind Deligne-Lusztig theory.
The first simple groups that one encounters are the cyclic groups of prime
order. A standard exercise in an undergraduate group theory course is
showing that $C_p$ (the cyclic group of order $p$ written multiplicatively)
is simple. One's second encounter with simple groups often comes from the
study of the alternating groups $A_n$, for $n \neq 4$. Incidentally, a
little invariant theory comes up in showing that $A_n$ is not solvable ,
for $n \geq 5$. One then concludes that there is not closed form, in elementary
functions, for the roots of a polynomial of degree five or larger.
The vast majority of the finite simple groups are those of Lie type .
The projective special linear group , denoted $\operatorname{PSL}(n,q)$,
for $n \geq 3$, and $q=p^n$ the power of some prime, provides us with an example
of a simple group of Lie type.
Let $G = \operatorname{GL}(n,q)$.
Here are some of the standard ideas that get one started in this area:
Borel Subgroups: Let $B$ be the set consisting of all invertible
upper triangular matrices in $G$. This is the standard Borel
subgroup . More generally, a Borel subgroup is some
conjugate of $B$.
$(B,N)$-pair: One says that a group $G$ has a $(B,N)$-pair
if there are subgroups $B, N \subseteq G$ such that:
$G$ is generated by $B$ and $N$
$H := B \cap N$ is normal in $N$, and the quotient $W := N/H$
is a group generated by a set $S$ of elements of order 2.
$n_sBn_s \neq B$ if $s \in S$ and $n_s$ a representative of
$s \in N$.
$n_sBn \subseteq Bn_snB \cup BnB$, for any $s \in S$ and $n \in N$.
$\bigcap_{n \in N} nBn^{-1} = H$.
The group $W$ is called the Weyl group of $G$.
Bruhat Decomposition: Suppose that the group $G$ admits a $(B,N)$-pair.
We have the double-coset decomposition:
G = \coprod_{w \in W} Bn_wB.
Frobenius Map: We begin by supposing that $k$ is the algebraic
of a finite field of $p$ elements, for a prime $p$. There is a subfield of $k$
such that there are $q = p^m$ elements, denoted $\mathbb{F}_q$. Then
we can consider the map $F_q: k \rightarrow k$ defiend by $x \mapsto x^q$.
We then have the standard Frobenius map on affine space:
k^n \rightarrow k^n \text{ given by } (x_1, \ldots, x_n) \mapsto (x_1^q, \ldots, x_n^q).
One can then consider the fixed point set:
V^{\mathbb{F}_q} = \{v \in V \mid F_q(v) = v \} = V \cap \mathbb{F}_q^n
where $V \subseteq k^n$ is some closed subset. There's quite a bit of
work to move forward from here. (See Geck's book Ch. 4)
The last three definitions are as given in Geck's book referenced below.
A large amount of work, in this area, was done by Chevalley, Steinberg,
and Tits. I was introduced to the standard examples early in my
mathematical career. It was from my desire to understand a small part of
the classification of finite simple groups, that I sat down and learned
the methods behind the construction of the Suzuki groups. There is much
more to explore in the future!
Here are some notes regarding the properties of semidirect products
Semidirect Products
The construction of the Suzuki groups of Lie Type.
Suzuki groups
Alperin, J.L., Bell, Rowen, B., Groups and Representations ,
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, 1995.
Aschbacher, M., Finite Group Theory , Cambridge Studies
in Advanced Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Geck, Meinolf, An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and
Algebraic Groups , Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Oxford
University Press, 2013.
Geck, Meinolf A First Guide to the Character Theory of Finite Groups
of Lie type , arXiv:, retrieved
December 2017.
Tao, Terry, Notes on simple groups of Lie type ,
retrieved November 2017.