I enjoy cooking a great deal. I have an obsession with pizza and Mexican foods especially. I go through cooking phases. These are often connected to ethnic interests such as Asian and Indian foods. As much as I enjoy cooking for myself and trying new things out, I enjoy cooking for others a great deal. There are few things more enjoyable than sitting around the table with good friends / family and good food.
I also enjoy reading European Literature. I've been a life-long reader, but my particular interest in European Literature is a consequence of two courses I took as an undergraduate. They were a World Lit and a French Lit & Philosophy course that had an ecology focus. I took these courses to satisfy Gen Ed requirements, but they were much more than breadth courses for me. In both courses, thinking was encouraged, creativity was developed, and the professors cared about their craft.
Writing has always been an outlet for me. It is an opportunity to explore ideas, express what's in my mind, and reflect on experiences. Poetry has the capacity to touch the inner parts of our soul. In High School, poetry was usual about dissecting a piece until it lost all of its meaning. As an adult, I've been able to reconsider this art form, and capture expierences in a meaningful way.
A nice element of satisfying GenEd credit at UIowa was that there were a number of options to accomplish the requirement. I decided to take clarinet lessons for three semesters, as I was finishing up my math degree. We started with the skills I had, and progressed from there. I was given pieces to play that challenged me, but I was never expected to play more that I was capable of. The desire to progress, and a substantial work ethic were the expectations. There is a mindfulness component to playing an instrument. It was the first time I heard the phrase, "boredom is a lack of engagement." Sometimes we need to slow down in order to completely take in everything that we are doing, studying, or producing.
The three most important questions I ever asked myself are: 1) What is my self talk costing me? 2) What narrative in my head can I tell in a more positive manner? and 3) Why do I teach? I'm a hyper-reflective individual and find it important to take time to reflect on what's working, what needs to change, and to understand what the healthiest choices are. To teach effectively, I have to take care of myself, demonstrate the attitudes that I want to see, and show the positive way forward.
I began reading military history during my last two years in the Marine Corps. Reading reflections and stories of soldiers past, one recognizes that, in some aspects, the military life hasn't changed that much. On the other hand, technological and social changes have often come through the military. History gives us an opportunity to reflect, learn, and discern. I came to realize that all people feel a certain amount of stress, anxiety, and indecision, when given their first leadership post. Fear can often be a good GPS for the direction we should be going. "The things that I want to do most in life scare me and excite me at the same time." -Unknown